How to Install and Activate Backlink Cafe WordPress Plugin
1. Head over to and click on Install WordPress Plugin.

This should start the file download. Save it somewhere you can find easily.

2. Now, head over to your WordPress Admin page.
Most often it can be found on
When in your WordPress Admin, click on Plugins → Add New

You should now see a page like this:

Click on Upload Plugin button and the view should expand with a file upload box:

file you saved, upload it, click Install Now.

Once installed, you’ll see this view where you need to click Activate Plugin button.

You are 80% done! This is what your plugin page should look like:

You will now also see a Backlink Cafe tab in your sidebar. Click on it to see latest Offers and update your Settings.

Backlink Cafe plugin is now installed and you are ready to start receiving link and content offers. In the meantime, make sure to go to Settings and configure your payout methods.
That’s all! 💸 Make sure to share Backlink Cafe with your internet friends and install it on all other websites you own. You are starting to making more money with your sites.